
Visited someone

12 May pada hari Sabtu. Me, Hanie, Liyana, Peah, Rifah and Alya went to HKL. Why we went there? We were visiting Ilham Shah. Pity him.

11.30 We were waiting for Rifah in front of DTHO's school. Serena reached. So we got in it. Then, our jouney to HKL begins. Haha At HKL, Rifah's father nor her mother know where was Neurology building at. Her father stopped near the Dermatology block and asked a policeman there. Policeman? Idk

So I just know that Neurology = Pakar kaji saraf. Daripada jauh aku dah nampak Intan. Lepas tu salam lha mak Ilham :3 Btw mak dia yang tegur kita orang dulu. Baik kan? Sebab Intan bagi tahu. Kita orang kawan Ilham. Belum sampai masa melawat lagi. Mak Ilham pun cerita lha macam-macam kat kita orang.

Bila naik pergi wad dia. Aku seram. Takut nak jumpa dia. Bila aku sampai kawan aku cakap kat dia. 'Ilham, ingat Mira tak? Mira pun datang' k bertambah takut aku. At the end baru aku rasa okay sikit :)
Thank you for reading